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Fountain Primary School, Londonderry


Special Educational Needs

‘A child has SEN if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them Special Educational Provision is support which is additional or different to the support usually available to children of the same age’ 

Fountain Primary School has a whole school approach to provision for children with additional needs. We aim to identify as early as possible where children need additional support and put in place the appropriate strand of the SEN Code of Practice. Identification is based on standardised and diagnostic assessments, teacher observations and parental concerns. 

We work closely with Educational Psychologists to provide support and development programmes for children with special educational needs. Pupils may be placed on the Special Educational Needs register for a short or long term period. Reviews are held with parents to keep them informed of the progress their child is making. Support is provided by the classroom teachers, the Learning Support Co-ordinator, our classroom assistants and specialised teachers from a range of external agencies. 

Care is taken at all times to match the curricular provision for all children to their particular stage of development and account is taken of any particular difficulties, barriers to learning or special talents. The LSC will monitor progress and will seek advice from other professionals to make a more detailed assessment when required. 

Our Learning Support Co-ordinator (LSC) is Mr Torney. 


We hope you are happy with the provision in place at Fountain Primary School. Please talk to the Class Teacher or Mr Torney (LSC and Principal) if you feel you have any difficulties and we will endeavour to resolve them.