Welcome to Nursery
In Nursery, the Nursery Teacher, Mrs Graydon, and Nursery Assistant, Mrs Craig, create a safe, happy and caring environment in which children can thrive and learn. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum by presenting children with a wide variety of experiences through lively and exciting activities.
Children will be introduced to early Language and Mathematical Experiences through structured play activities. They will be encouraged to express themselves creatively through art and craft activities, music and dance. Children will be given opportunities to investigate, satisfy their curiosity and explore their environment inside and outside the classroom and through play in sand and water. They will be encouraged to develop skills of co-operation and problem solving. Each child will be encouraged to progress at his or her own rate and to the full extent of his or her abilities.
Mrs Graydon and Mrs Craig work closely together to help each child to develop an inquiring mind and an inquisitive attitude to learning. We also encourage each child to develop their self-esteem and self-control while building good relationships with others.
Nursery is the first step in your child’s education and we strive to make it fun while preparing each child for formal education.
-Mrs Graydon & Mrs Craig
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Fountain Primary School, 18 Hawkin St, Londonderry BT48 6RD Phone: 028 7137 4909