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Fountain Primary School, Londonderry

Parent Governors

17th Apr 2024

The reconstitution of the Board of Governors is set to happen in September 2024. For this to happen, 2 new parent governors need to be elected. Being a governor is an important role and one which will require you to give up some of your free time to help lead the school in its decision-making. Meetings of the Board of Governors take place outside school hours and it is important to carefully consider if you will be able to dedicate the time to these before putting in your nomination.

Parents will receive a letter home today which gives information about the process and how it will work. In the case of there being more than 2 nominees, there will be a vote held in the school where parents will decide their representative.

Rather than sending nomination forms to all parents, please contact the office if you would like a nomination form sent home and we will send a paper copy for you. Alternatively, you can print off the nomination form which has been attached to this news article. These must be returned to the school office by Tuesday 7th May 2024. Please do not nominate someone without their permission and remember that each nominee must write a short personal statement. These personal statements will be used if there are more than 2 nominees. They will be read at a meeting of parents by Mr Torney, after which, parents would then vote for their 2 preferred candidates. The votes would be counted and the 2 candidates with the most votes would be elected.

I have attached some extra information about being a governor to this post and you can also see even more here. The website links to information about being an Education Authority governor, however, a lot of the information is still useful for parent governors.

A similar process will happen for the teachers to elect their representative. The 4 churches which have representation on the Board of Governors (St Columb’s Cathedral, Carlisle Road Presbyterian, First Derry Presbyterian and Carlisle Road Methodist) will select their representatives and finally, the Education Authority will appoint representatives as well.