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Fountain Primary School, Londonderry

Parental PATHS Zoom Meeting 📹

16th Mar 2022

FAO: All Parents

Fountain Primary School is a PATHS school and PATHS plays a vital role in your child’s education. Its focus is teaching your child emotional wellbeing and problem solving. These are vital skills they will need as they grow up into young adults.

Our PATHS coach Lindsay regularly visits school and has taught lessons to all your children. As part of her role as PATHS coach she would like to host a Zoom meeting with parents.

The details of the meeting will be shared with all parents on Seesaw by their class teachers. This is to make sure that the meeting is only attended by parents of children who are at the school.

We would encourage all parents to join this meeting if they can as it will be very helpful to understand more about the PATHS programme. It will also give you an opportunity to ask Lindsay any question you may have about PATHS.