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Fountain Primary School, Londonderry

The Fist Pump Five 👊

19th Nov 2021

Rachel from Scripture Union has been visiting us in class over the last few weeks.

We have been doing a program based on the 5 Steps to Wellbeing.

Week 1 was all about giving to others and how to "do good feels good". We learned about acts of kindness towards others and how good it feels to be nice to others.

Week 2 was all about connecting with others and how much "connecting counts". We discussed all the different ways we connect with people and how lucky we are to be able to connect in all these ways. It used to be much more difficult to stay in touch in the past.

This week we learned "healthy body, healthy mind". Being physically active is a great way to help improve our mental health and by doing exercise, chemicals are released in our body which make us feel good. Rachel took us to the assembly hall and led us in some "Just Dance!" which was so much fun.

A huge thanks to Rachel for all the work she has done with us so far and we look forward to completing our work with her.