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Fountain Primary School, Londonderry


25th Nov 2021

This month in Nursery our theme has been Transport.  We have been learning about lots of different vehicles and where they travel - land, sea or air.

It has been great fun taking on the role of the bus driver, passengers on the bus and the crossing patrol.  We have also enjoyed playing with different vehicles at all the different areas in Nursery, inside and outside and fixing toys with our tools.

This month we have also been making music using lots of different percussion instruments, playing them loudly and quietly, fast and slow.  When the green card was shown we played and when the red card was shown we had to stop playing - just like the traffic lights!  We were very brave when playing our instruments one day as we marched in a band through the Primary 4/5 and Primary 6/7 classrooms.  The big boys and girls thought we were brilliant! 😊